Quantum Chromodynamics: Quarks and Hadrons

Quantum Chromodynamics: Quarks and Hadrons

Quantum Chromodynamics: Quarks and Hadrons

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While the electrons in atoms are elementary particles (as far as we can tell), protons and neutrons are tightly bound states of quarks. In fact there are a plethora of other, short-lived states composed of quarks and antiquarks. All of these composite particles are called hadrons. In this talk I will introduce Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of how quarks bind to form hadrons via the “strong force.” There are many similarities between QCD and condensed matter physics of materials. I will draw out these similarities to show how QCD can be solved numerically. The talk will be done on Zoom, link to join: https://zoom.us/j/5670372219?pwd=UjZVeWphTlNEVENyOFkzNWpuc28zdz09 Meeting ID: 567 037 2219 Passcode: VbRSX2

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2020-12-03 @ 06:15 PM


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