Names and Aims
Meetings and Seminars
Senior Treasurer
Annual General Meeting and Annual Elections
The Society shall be called the Trinity College Science Society (TCSS). TCSS will aim to promote the discussion, understanding and enjoyment of science with Trinity College, the University of Cambridge as a whole and the general public.

The committee shall endeavour to arrange presentations by invited speakers to address the Society on their scientific work or a subject of general scientific interest during the Michaelmas and Lent Terms. At least eight such seminars will be held during an academic year.


An Annual Research Symposium will be held each year during the Lent Term, in which members of Trinity College shall consist the principal speakers.An Annual Research Symposium will be held each year during the Lent Term, in which members of Trinity College shall consist the principal speakers.

There shall exist two categories of membership:

  • Voting Members are members of Trinity College in statu pupilari who wish to be a member of TCSS.
  • Associate Members are any members of the University who wish to be a member of TCSS.


The Committee may require Members to pay subscription fees.

The Committee may charge entrance fees for Events.

Events shall be made open to the General Public wherever possible.

In compliance with the guidelines of the Amalgamated Clubs Committee (ACC) the society shall elect a committee consisting of at least:

  • a President
  • a Secretary
  • a Junior Treasurer


There shall also be elected:

  • a Vice-President
  • a Publicity Officer
  • an Events Officer
  • a Computer Officer


There may also be elected:

  • a second Publicity Officer
  • a second Events Officer
  • a Graduate Representative
  • General Members


All must be Voting Members in order to run for office. Any Graduate Representative must also hold membership of the Trinity College BA Society.


An Associate Representative, who must be an Associate Member, may be appointed by the President to assist in the running of the society but will not be eligible to vote.


New officers accede immediately to their roles. Retiring officers are invited to remain as General Members to assist during transition periods.


Immediately following Annual Elections, any remaining vacancies may be filled by appointment of the newly elected President. By-elections are preferred should a post fall vacant during the year, with the exception of General Members who may be appointed at any time. In extenuating circumstances the Senior Treasurer may appoint or remove any member of the Committee.


Committee Members hold a single vote at committee meetings. The President shall settle ties with a casting vote. Two Co-Presidents may be elected instead of a President and a Vice-President. However it must be established clearly which Co-Presidents holds a casting vote for each of the Michaelmas and Lent Terms.


The roles of the Committee Members are specified in the Standing Orders.

In compliance with the guidelines of the Amalgamated Clubs Committee (ACC) a Senior Member of Trinity College shall be appointed as Senior Treasurer to assist in the management of the society’s finances and the organisation of certain events.


In the event of severe dispute, not limited to the interpretation of this Constitution, the ruling of the Senior Treasurer will be final.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) must be convened in the latter half of the Lent Term, with the President giving a minimum of fourteen days notice. The order of business, conducted by the Secretary, shall be:


  • Retiring President’s Remarks
  • Presentation of Society Accounts
  • Presentation of Referenda
  • Annual Election Hustings
  • Any Other Business


All Voting Members are invited to partake in discussion and to submit motions to the Secretary in advance.


The required quorum for the passing of referenda, shall be ten Voting Members of TCSS.


In the unlikely event of tied Elections or Referenda, the outgoing President shall hold a casting vote.


Constitutional Review may only be carried out by passing a referendum following an AGM, unless the express permission of the Senior Treasurer is given to call an Extraordinary General Meeting.


The Committee shall appoint a Returning Officer, who must not be standing for election or re- election, to conduct Elections and Referenda.

Constitution revised by Adam Prada, TCSS president (2016), and approved by Dr. Alan Weeds, Senior Treasurer (2016).

© 2023 TCSS. All rights reserved.